
About Happy Cat Home :

Greetings Cat lovers,
Let me tell you a little bit about us! My name is Adel and I want to share my love for cats with everyone!! I grew up around pets, but cats were always a mystery to me. As a teen I was never patient enough to understand them, making it easier for me to love Birds, Fish,....
for that , i want use my love for cats to help in rescuing feral cats and finding them good homes, but the feeling of accomplishment was priceless. It made me a better person!
We hope you enjoy our blog and also share your experience, questions and photos with us, and cat lovers everywhere!
And don't forget to subscribe to our quarterly Happy Cat Home E-zine.
Very best,
Happycathome.blogspot.com is cat blog dedicated to spread the love for all our furry friends. We often help local shelters and rescue groups get their word out and encourage more hoomans to consider adoption. Giving a little kitty a second chance at life is incredibly rewarding.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Feel free to leave a comment or write to us. We are always happy to hear from you.


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