How Do Cats Get Worms ?

How Do Cats Get Worms ?

How Do Cats Get Worms ?

     Learn what to do when your cat has worms is really important for your pet, for that we need to know how do cats get worms? in first place.
Worms are parasites that can ruin small unpleasant health of your pet. Learn how to get cats and how to treat an infestation.   
     Cats can get a variety of intestinal parasites, including some that are commonly called "worms". Infestation with intestinal parasites can cause a variety of symptoms. Sometimes cats show little or no outward signs of infection and infestation may go unnoticed despite being a potentially serious health problem. Some parasitic worms cats are the risks to human health.
     Worms are a problem that many animals can be achieved with, and although most people associate intestinal worms with dogs, which can develop in cats too. Usually, the most frequent victims of worms are cats kittens under 6 months. For this reason, many veterinarians recommend that the owner of a cat to vaccinate their cats against worms once a month for 6 months . it is important because many kittens are born with worm larvae inside. Deworming kills to live, but do not kill the worm eggs and if the worms have already laid, which is part of the foundation of a new worm infestation, which is not something that someone be treated.

How Do Cats Get Worms ? 

Although the means of transmission may vary, one of the main ways to get cats is by ingestion of feces of infected cats. Mother cats can also transmit to their kittens. 
This is a very common problem. Cats can get worms by eating fleas. These worms live chat forever, or until they are removed with medication. Tapeworms reproduce by making a link at the end of their long bodies. This link crawls out of the anus of the cat, and puts hundreds of eggs. These eggs are ingested by flea larvae, and the cycle continues. Humans can get these tapeworms too, but only if they eat infected fleas. Cats with tapeworms should be dewormed by a veterinarian. All cats must be wormed.
Cats and kittens can get worms in various ways.
  • Ingestion of soil material and contaminated eggs to plants.
  • Exposure to feces containing eggs of worms.
  • Eat flea eggs accommodation to.
  • Nursing infected mother.
  • Eating contaminated prey such as mice and birds.

What Causes Worms In Cats ?

Cats have micro -organisms in the stomach, like humans, and helps digestion and other processes of the digestive system. Chances are that the eggs of parasites enter the cat's digestive system. If nothing is done, these eggs will develop into a worm that eats cat food consumed. Eggs can multiply in number, and passed with feces. Sometimes it becomes difficult to control these pests.
Flies, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks ... all are potential transmitters of worms. As a person in a family can come down with a cold, while others are not affected, so you can just have your pet down with a worm infestation.

How Cats Get Worms ? Cats and kittens can get worms in various ways :

  • Ingestion of soil material and contaminated eggs to plants. 
  • Exposure to feces containing eggs of worms. 
  • Eat flea eggs accommodation to. 
  • Nursing infected mother. 
  • Eating contaminated prey such as mice and birds.

What Are The General Symptoms Of Worms ? 

     Cats with worms may have a variety of symptoms or none at all. Common symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss or stunted coat . Worms can be seen in vomit or stool. Intestinal parasites of cats can infect humans and young children are particularly at risk.  
     Young kittens must have (stool) stool examinations performed by your veterinarian last 4 weeks of age and at each visit for vaccines can not start. Older cats should have routine fecal checks every 6 months or every 3 months if they go outside. It is always a good idea to have a prepared list of questions for each visit to the vet.
     Most infections in cats are invisible, because the symptoms are slow to appear. Immediate symptoms present in your cat vomiting and diarrhea often. You may also notice that the cat is unusually inactive and lethargic. Some cats may show no interest in food, and other hungry fall frequently, depending on the type of worm cats. However, the most common symptoms are weight loss and itching of the anus.
Symptoms vary depending on the type and location of parasite infection, but clinical signs of currents comprising : 
  • Diarrhea :  Having chronic diarrhea.
  • The constant hunger : Feeling constantly hungry.
  • The visible worms in the stool or worm segments seen near the anus.
  • Being less active than usual.
  • Seeing worms in small segments of the skin on the back of your cat
  • bloody.
  • swelling or potbellied appearance round in the abdomen. 
  • Dehydration.
  • pale gums.
  • potbellied appearance.
  • Abdominal Pain.
  • Weight loss.
  • Vomiting .
  • Constipation.
  • Cough.
  • Shortness of breath.

What Are The Most Common Types Of Worms In Cats?

How Do Cats Get Worms ? 

  • Nematodes are the most common internal parasites in cats. Like spaghetti, adult worms are three to four inches long. There are many ways that cats can be infected. Kittens care may have to milk from an infected while adult cats can gain by eating a rodent or feces of an infected cat infected mother.
  • Hookworms are much smaller than worms - less than an inch long and intestinal reside mainly in the small intestine. Because they feed on the blood of an animal, intestinal parasites can cause a life-threatening anemia, especially in kittens. Hookworm eggs are passed in the feces and hatch into larvae, and a cat can be infected by ingestion or skin contact. Note, hookworms are more common in dogs than in cats.
  • A long, flat, segmented tapeworms are parasites and 4-28 inches in length. An infestation can cause vomiting or weight loss. Cats get tapeworms by eating an intermediate host, such as a chip or an infected rodent. When cats were real pieces of segments of worms that look like grains of rice are infected - can often be seen on the skin around the rear end of a cat.
  • Unlike hookworms, lungworms live in the lungs of a cat. Most cats show no signs of having lung worms, but some may develop a cough. Snails and slugs are popular as intermediate hosts of the parasites, but cats are usually infected after eating a bird or rodent that ate an intermediate host.

What To Do If Your Cat Has Worms?

I would start with a visit to the vet - There are several types of worms and each type requires a different type of drug to treat. Your vet can do a simple faecal egg counts float and determine the severity of the infestation. Depending to prescribe medication to the specific type of worm, your vet may have instructions on how to environmental prevent reinfestation.

Cat Worms Treatment

Many people try to try home remedies to cure the infection and the course of action that could be potentially dangerous to your pet. The best thing you can do when you find that your cat is infected with any cat worm consult a veterinarian who lives near you immediately. Try to treat on your own can sometimes be fatal to cats. Cat worming should be done under the direction and supervision of a veterinarian.
It is always advisable to consult a good veterinarian before giving any medication to your pet. Treatment for fleas and tapeworms required of an infected cat. Drontal is a good drug to kill both immature and mature tapeworms stage. with tapeworms in cats, also used to treat intestinal worms and intestinal parasites. Bunamidine niclosamiden praziquantel and some other drugs which are useful in the treatment of tapeworms in dogs.Part of the class Cestoda tapeworms call, tapeworms in cats is a very common problem cat owners.
Once the type of worm is identified, your cat will be given antiparasitic drugs developed to be effective for this type of worm or worms. Cats can have more than one type of worm at the same time, so that the correct diagnosis is essential to rid your pet of these pests.According to the specialists, the following drugs are used to treat worms in cats. 
  • Drontal - Treats roundworms, tapeworms and hookworms ( prescription only )
  • Profender - roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms Trafficking.
  • Interceptor - ascarids and hookworms Trafficking.
  • Revolution - roundworms and hookworms Trafficking.It should be noted that if you have multiple cats, they are all likely to be infected by these parasites at the same time, especially if they use the same litter. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a stool sample from each cat while treating everyone all current infestation. 

How Do I Prevent My Cat Get Worms ?

How Do Cats Get Worms ?
     Worm infestations are extremely common and difficult to prevent, but there are some measures you can take to cut down on your pet's possibility of worm exposure.
  • Keep your cat indoors to avoid exposure to infected cats, rodents, fleas and feces. 
  • Limit your cat's outside exposure to soil and plants.  
  • Do not allow your cat to eat or play with birds and mice.  
  • Keep your cat from associating with neighborhood strays who may already be infested.  
  • Keep your cat well-groomed, which will reduce the risk of a flea infestation. 
  • Make sure your home, yard and pets are free of fleas. 
  • Practice good hygiene and wear gloves when changing the litter or handling feces . It is also important to have stool frequency. 
  • Ask your veterinarian to recommend an appropriate treatment of internal parasites or prevention program for your cat.
     After knowing about how do cats get worms?, we should know now that Worms are more than mere parasites. They can have serious consequences on the health of your pet. To keep your cat safely as possible, make sure to take your pet to your veterinarian for an annual checkup and provide a stool sample every six months. This routine medical care can make all the difference in the quality of life of your cat.


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