How Much Does It Cost To Declaw A Cat?

How much does it cost to declaw a cat?

     Before you decide to have your cat declawed, there are many things you need to know before making your decision. The surgery is basically an American trend, and is considered inhumane and illegal in many countries(England, Scotland, Wales, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Slovenia, Portugal, Belgium, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand,  Japan..). If this does not affect your opinion about declawing, maybe this article will help you decide.
     You really should exhaust all options before declawing your cat. Trained to use a scratching post by placing some catnip on it and you scratch (sounds weird but it works), spray with a spray bottle when the other side is scratched. You can also try the nail caps called velvet paws or claws soft. Place the double-sided tape where you do not want your cat scratching. If no jobs, give your vet a call. At the vet clinic, declawinh can cost you between 130$ to 350$. If the cat is being spayes/neutered at the same time is closer to ~ $ 350. Declawing your cat depends on whether you want 2 or 4 front done.

Cat Claws

     The cat claws are used for balance, for exercising, and for stretching the muscles of the legs, back, shoulders and legs. They extend these muscles digging claws in a surface and pulling against their own clawhold - similar to isometric exercise in humans. This is the only way a cat can exercise, stretch and tone the muscles of the back and shoulders. The toes help the foot meet the ground at a precise angle to keep the leg, shoulder and muscles and joints back into alignment. The elimination of the last digits of the toes drastically alters the conformation of their feet and legs due to meet the ground at an unnatural angle that can cause similar to that of humans caused by back pain using inappropriate footwear. 

Cat Declawing By Surgery

cat declawing

     Before taking the decision to declaw your cat, there are some important facts you should know. Declawing is not like a manicure. It is serious surgery. Your cat 's claw is not a toenail. In fact, it is closely adhered to the bone. So closely adhered that to remove the claw, the last bone of your cat 's claw has to be removed. Declawing is actually an amputation of the last joint of "fingers" of your cat. When this occurs, it becomes clear why declawing is not a humane act. It is a painful surgery, with a painful recovery period. And do not forget that during the time of recovery from surgery your cat would still have to use your feet to walk, jump, and scratch in its litter box regardless of the pain you are experiencing. Wheelchairs and bedpans are not an option for a cat.
    Unlike the understanding of most people, the Declawing comprises not only the claws amputated but the entire phalanx (until the joint), including bone, ligaments and tendons! To remove the claw, the bone, nerve, joint capsule, collateral ligaments and the flexor and extensor tendons must all be amputated. Thus declawing is not a "simple" single surgery but 10 separate amputations of the third phalanx painful until the last joint of each finger. A graphic comparison in human terms would be the cutting of a person's finger at the last joint of each finger.

Cat Declawing Disavantages

  • Many cats that have been declawed are traumatized and become withdrawn, nervous, fearful and / or aggressive.  
  • Cats who have gone through the painful surgery are more likely to use bite when they feel threatened. Since cats have emotional feelings, may suffer if you decide declawed.  
  • All these things can cause depression and ultimately lead to an overweight cat. 
  • If a cat has been declawed accidentally escapes, he / she would be in great danger. The claws of a cat must defend and escape by climbing.  
  • The constant state of stress caused by a feeling of defenselessness may make more prone to diseases declawed cats. They can not stretch the back muscles and shoulders as they do naturally when they dig their claws into a scratching post.

Better Alternatives For Cat Declawing

Soft Paws

  •  are vinyl nail caps that light on the glue before the cat scratches. They are excellent for families with young children and are very useful for people who are away from home all day and can not exercise due care in training a cat to use a scratching post
  • Soft Paws are easy to apply and lasts four to six weeks. They come in clear or colors- which are really fun. Now it's a kitty manicure! Colorful look chic on Tabby or Tom and caps have the added advantage of being more visible when it finally emerges. Then just replace.
  • A popular alternative is Soft Paws. They are nail caps that light vinyl glue on the front claws of the cat. They are excellent for families with young children and are very useful for people who are away from home all day and can not exercise due care in training a cat to use a scratching post. Soft Paws are easy to apply and lasts four to six weeks. They come in clear or colors - which are really fun.

 Trimming Your Cat's Claw

  • If possible start training your cat to have her claws trimmed as a kitten. Gently rub your cat's paws often, getting her used to having her paws held before you attempt trimming. Make sure to reward your cat with a special food treat, she receives only during claw cutting or other preparation procedure during or immediately after cutting. The best time to trim your cat's nails is when relaxed or sleepy. Never try to give a pedicure right after a stressful experience or an energetic round of play.
  • Your cat should rest comfortably on your lap, the floor or a table. Hold a paw in one hand and press a toe pad gently to extend the claw. Notice the pink tissue (the quick) on the inside of the claw. Avoid fast when you cut the nail, cut cause pain and bleeding Remove the sharp tip below the quick (away from the tip), cutting halfway between the end of the quick and the tip of the nail. If your cat becomes impatient, take a break and try again later. Even if you can cut only a claw or two a day, eventually you will complete the task. (Because cats do little damage with their rear claws and do a good job of keeping cut themselves-. Their chewing many cat owners do not cut back claws claws other trim their cats " three or four times year or are performed by your veterinarian or a professional groomer).
  • If you accidentally cut into the quick, do not panic. The claw may bleed for a while, but usually stops quickly. Soothe your cat by speaking softly and stroking her head. If the bleeding does not stop after a minute or two, touch a styptic pencil to the claw end or pat on astringent to help stop bleeding powder.How many times do you need to cut your cat's claws depends somewhat on how much tip you remove, but usually a clipping every ten to fourteen days will suffice. If " the cat absolutely refuses to allow you to clip level claws, get help from your veterinarian or a professional groomer. 
  • Use cat clippers and only remove a little at the end of the nail. Some people say to do it every two weeks. I think it is safer to cut unless you are told, and do it more often (like once a week). Never use trimmers that are made ​​for humans or dogs, because they are more likely to hurt this way. You can ask your vet or hairdresser to show you the right way to do it. Here is 2 picture that shows you how :
Trimming a cat claw trimming a cat claw
  • The most common types of damage are scratched furniture, ripped carpets and shredded wallpaper. You want to eliminate the problem before it happens. Buy or build a stable scratching Post from the beginning. Here are some tips to make things :

Scratching Post To Not Declaw Your Cat 

 Scratching Post
  •  The message must be at least two feet high, covered with sisal rope, (mine like carpet ).
  • Get more than one, especially when you have a multi- cat household.
  • Place the post near furniture or other areas that are most at risk.
  • Introduce a new scratching post with some catnip sprinkled on its surface. Cats love it and it is more attractive for
  • If your cat starts scratching the "wrong" object, say "NO" and gently carry your cat to the desired message. Demonstrate how to use the scratching post with your own nails. If the cat does not catch after trying repeatedly for a few days, gently take his paws rub down the pole.
  • Never force your cat. When he starts to scratch the post by itself, make sure you use verbal praise with a rewarding treat and affection. The cat should be aware that the use of scratching post results in positive things such as affection, playing and treats.
  • When you have a kitten, start early with the technique of " post kicks".
  • Invest in what is called a " cat tree " which acts also as a leisure area for your cat. Different textures and heights make it more interesting, you can build yourself.
  • Try some repellent like pepper, dust or commercial products on your furniture to keep your cat from these areas.
  • Be persistent and do not give up too soon.
     No cat lover would doubt that cats - whose senses are much keener than ours - suffer pain. They can, however, hide better. Not only are they proud, they instinctively know they are at risk when it is in a weak position, and by nature will attempt to hide it. But make no mistake. This is not a surgery to be taken lightly.The body of your cat is perfectly designed to give you the grace, agility and beauty that is unique to felines. Its claws are an important part of this design. Amputation of the important part of their anatomy that contains the claws drastically alters the conformation of their feet. The cat is also deprived of its primary means of defense, leaving it prey to predators if it ever escapes to the outside.
     Declawing a cat is very painful and it is not fair to the cat.  The process involves removing the bones of the feet and also the cat is defenselesss left and can be difficult to climb / jump, and imagine never being able to scratch more, this is not funny. if a cat is too much, then it is good to consider a different animal. you can choose the furniture or the cat, I would choose the cat...sorry for the conference, but declawing is illegal because it is inhumane. so if you still wondering about How much does it cost to declaw a cat?, for me it cost the animal life, the cat life, because the cat without his claws, like a human without his hands and his legs, do you imagine that !!it's not right to take this decision, because there is alot of other alternatives. please take the right choice.


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